Thursday, December 24, 2020

Day 23 - My Friend J

Today I am grateful for mine really good friend Janelle. I'm kidding too cheesy she's always really been there for me anytime. She will never know how much she is appreciated by me. She's a hilarious, trustworthy and most importantly blunt as all hell. even if the truth hurts she would rather tell you then pretend like nothings happening. She is a great family and she's done a lot to get where she's at. Today we went Christmas shopping I spent $3.92 on Chapstick and a book. I needed to do more Christmas shopping but I just wanted to hang out with her and Cinnabon. Note to self the mall is not as exciting as it once was. It's packed with too many clothing stores and specialty stores that have soaps and shoes. I forgot to get like three or four gifts while I was out. anyways she knows more shit about me than anybody else does and I trust her with that. everybody needs a Janelle in their life. she wanted me to move back to Reno eight or nine years ago. My only regret is I didn't move back sooner. She's never made me feel like a third wheel or that I am in posing. I feel like some days I can just stop bye as if I were in a sitcom and that's what friends do is just stop by all the freaking time in sitcom. I'm glad I'm back in Reno and I just can't wait for wants to become of this great friendship there's a lot of things to do and I'm just looking forward to it. She's always wanting me to watch Friends, She swears at KFC is delicious and she thinks that Jurassic Park is a great Thanksgiving movie. We almost seem like we're on the same page to when are texting. Thank you, Janelle for everything including introducing me to Julie, your family, dogs and most impotantly yourself. g"/>
My Christmas gift from Janelle and family

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