Sunday, December 20, 2020

Day 20 - Aqua

Im trying, I'm trying, I am trying. I went and saw the Christmas lights last night by myself. One of my best friends wanted to go and take separate cars. The joy seeing something is seeing it together, that's what I thought. And with COVID-19 here, it's very hard for a single person to not feel like they're alone. My brother he recently got a divorce but he has a kid, so he's never alone. My heart has taken way too many punches but it's still bigger than my brain. I know I need to think before I leap. I wish I was hilarious then that way I can make other people laugh on the spot, I think I can sometimes but not all the time. I got drunk one night in Sparks Nevada back in 1997. It was winter time, but I didn't give a shit. I wanted to walk to the ocean and see how far I could swim. My friend had to chase me down. I wonder how far I could of made it? Im a strong swimmer and Im not afraid of water. In fact I only have one fear and that's dying alone. So you could just imagine the strength I would give to swim and swim and swim, because I don't want to be left in the ocean alone. So on this day I'm grateful for water Agua the clear stuff ice cold water hot water any kind of water I can get lost into.

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