Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Day - 22 Combo

Today, I only woke up at 3:30 AM. And I was wide fucking awake. I don't have kids there's no noise I don't know why I can't sleep. Well to be honest I know but, anyways. Today I'll get my first training opportunity with my friend Sam he's going to show me a diet to get on and what I should focus on in the gym. I'm close to 190 pounds. I was 223 in February. Since going to the gym I've lost an extra 10 pounds. I want to get down to 175lbs. I think I could do it. I'm fasting right now which means I'm only having one meal a day and I'm OK with that. It's mainly chicken with a little carbs. When I was up in Washington I did a lot of research on chickens. I don't know why, but at the time I was really interested in why chickens pecked on each other. Well there is there pecking order whoever the weak chicken is gets pecked on by everybody. The reason is because chickens get bored easily. So I felt bad I went to the grocery store bought a head of lettuce drilled a hole in the middle, put a rope through it and tied at the end. Imagine a tetherball except replace the ball with a head of lettuce pretty much imagine a tetherball except replace the ball with a head of lettuce and put it in the middle of a chicken coop. Now the chickens aren't bored and the weak chicken can heal. Wah-la, now there is a pretend weak chicken which is the head of lettuce.
mmmmmmmm..... grateful for chicken letuce wraps

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