Tuesday, August 31, 2010

13 Nights of Praying - night/day 12

This song will explain a lot.
I was and still am a little bit.

It started in senior year of high school. The aptitude test, a placement in today's world for my tomorrow.  A fifty page questionnaire that would hopefully place me in a snug, well rounded working environment.  Maybe it would say I would be great as a doctor, or build tall buildings and bridges, or maybe even develop my own pair of running shoes and shotgun lines. This would be ( insert cool word that was used in 1995). Weeks later our results were in. I was close to not opening it and chucking it in the trash. Now that I think about it, that would of been a great idea. However that would have been wrong of me for someone to work so hard to tell me what I was good at and potentially become in this world. I held the letter close to my head.

Me - Piggly Wiggly
*slide the letter out*
Me - Miss Piggy's wedding night

OK I got side tracked, Carnac the Magnificent was great.

*slide the letter out*
The print on the letter was small. All that needed to be said was in one short paragraph. It was a generic paragraph with the exception of my full name.

Congratulations! After further studies with your answers provided we find you can succeed in the following careers listed below;

1. Tattoo Artist

2. A Circus Clown

I don't even like clowns and I'm not very good drawing stuff especially when blood is involved. That test is total bullshit. If I were a teacher and it was required for me to hand this crap out to my students. I would tell them it's bullshit and its only purpose would be for entertainment use or toilet paper only. I am the least bitter person I know. I find it funny and nothing more than a thought. I would rather travel, find pointless jobs and enjoy life. Then to devote myself into a career and realize one day, "Where did my life go".
Where does my next journey take me? I will know October 6th.

The Careless Mind

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