Monday, August 16, 2010

13 days of Praying - Night 1

"We got to pray just to make it today I said we pray (pray)"
       -MC Hammer-

I will be quoting more Hammer as I attempt to "make it" today. I am going to pray for 13 nights straight. I' am not religious, and can not be talked into it. I refuse to be tortured, I just want to live my own life. Don't preach to me about your God, political views, or how cute your kids are. I may seem very angry now, but the fact of the matter is I'm laughing right now.

"And on my knees every night, you know I pray. That's word,we pray(pray)"
       -MC Hammer-

See how I just lighten the mood.
While I pray for 13 days straight, night, whatever. I won't lie, it may make me wanna poke someones eyes out or it may move me in a spiritual mediation way. I could just sit with my legs crossed and simply hum. This would tickle my lips and relax me. However I will pray out loud using all forms; laying down, closing my eyes, kneeling against the bed, laying on the lawn looking at the stars, group prayer, drunken prayer, couch prayer, and I may come up with a few more.
As for the prayer I will use the the following(if I can remember it);
     The classic 18th Century - "Now I Lay Me"
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
if I die before I wake, (if I should live for other days) The PG version
I pray for God my soul to take.

.......that's it, nothing more, nothing less. I will not pray for the lotto, to own a horse, or want to be Mel Gibson(1982) ..........

Good Night,
    The Careless Mind

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