Saturday, February 16, 2019

A Quicky: Where is My Mind??

"They call me Mind, Mr. Mind"

*chugs martini*

-Split it out a second later-

*Spit it back into the martini glass*

 "Someone already spit this back into the glass, am I right?"

When I was growing up all I ever heard was "a mind is a terrible thing to waste". Well my mind, like others has it's moments of genius and stupidity paths. It can also become a confused darken mess when the a dopamine hits, I think my neurons have small little light sabers and block that shit. Where my mind screws the pooch at, is when "things I can do" vs "things I want to do". It's like all the battles, that have ever been a battle play out in my mind at one time. People used to tell me they would like to see my thought process, me, my thought process.

Here is a quick video link about tarter sauce from the under-rated Weatherman movie

That is my thoughts process.

My mind is in the gutter, but that is no shocker. To be precise its  39% gutter with 51% being respect. The other 10% is around sometimes, ill let ya know if it tells me. Most normal people drift into the gutter, some more than others and others less than.

You're just like every guy

"MMM no, not at all"  -

I hold the god-damn door open for everyone, I make sure to say thank you, I say good-bye, I tell my fam I love them, I curse out drivers with my window closed, I send flowers, I see people in the hospital, I don't sleep with anyone on the first date, I show my faults, I learn from mistakes, I never hold grudges, I have helped people from suicide, I am a Neil Diamond fan, I get in the way and I stay out of the way, I speak the truth and my heart is bigger than my mind

 Not going to lie here, I have had those moments though. Just not giving two fucks if someone was blowing me while I was live on the air promoting the new Hoobastank album at 10:30pm. I only cared when two weeks later she, the blower, became an intern.

I did, by accident run over an intern who was dressed as a reindeer in a golf cart. I don't think I took anything serious while working in radio. Outside of radio was different, I did try. I remember hosting a candle lit dinner, only to be let down with a no show. Other-times I was so wrapped up in my work at four radio stations, I missed the last day off my grandmother being alive. 

My mind is on moving, picking the right TV, a new car, where the hell is my gum, I injured myself at work, I need a fucking massage, my best friends (couple) are going to be parents for the first time, more lists, less lists, boobies, butts, why did I say boobies, I am not 13, Honkers, that's better, I'm cold, I never get cold, tarter sauce, her, when can I make it to the batting cages again, wtf did I do to my sholder and I am thirsty

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