Good Night Chris Cornell
George Eastman invented the Kodak camera. He did something that no other person at the time did. He made sure that hundreds of small town folks could share and save their memories. Eastman touched the lives of families and in the process made Kodak a household name. Kodak was a word he just made up, it had no meaning, and that's what Eastman wanted. By the age of 77, George Eastman took his own life with a shotgun. He left a note saying "My work is done, why wait?"
Who knows what Chris Cornell was going through May 17, 2017 on the Detroit stage inside the Fox Theater. As he was singing, did age catch up to him? He was a recovering addict, did he slip and not tell anyone? Did he realize his bands would never reach that high peak again? Cornell has a family, he is well off, he has seen the world. He is loved by other talented musicians, fans, and other respectable people. As more details unfold, Cornell left a bizarre note and was found hung, an apparent suicide in the MGM Grand Hotel. Whatever Cornell's struggles were he made an impact on my life. He thanked me for everything I had done. I am just a fan. I bought the records. I went to live show. I am just a fan. So, Thank you. Thank you for making me still sing out loud in my car, blasting your music loud and just sharing your beautiful mind with the world. If that is what you wanted, you succeeded sir.

Scott Weiland, Layne Staley, and even Kurt Cobain are the pioneers of a type of rock music that changed the world of music, grunge rock. Eddie Vedder (same age as Cornell) is also included in the bunch, but for him his work is not done yet.
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