Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Should Be Alseep........#RW

I Should be Asleep..............but I started binge watching Robin Williams today as most are or have done so today. He was a great talent that will be lost. I can't help but think as I watched a few of his movies and a half dozen comic clips that I don't think someone could stop him from doing what he did. Williams used a cycle of making people smile, cultivating audiences, and the miles of laughter he brought to all of us year after year we will all cherish. I watched a few interviews where Williams looked terribly sad. I mean down in the dumps shitty. It is sometimes easier to ignore the clues when that someone is the life of the party, super funny, hilarious to everyone except, when it comes to their selves they can't get themselves to laugh at all. They seem to make the world around them shine full of laughter and then close the door and stair at the wall and wonder where their joy is. Sadly, I don't think anyone would of saved that man that night. When someones done they are done. He found his own way out. I can't lie, for the next few days I am gonna visualize a scenario of Williams last 10 minutes alive. Questions I will never have answered. I know that, I'll just enjoy what he left us with. I hoped he would of...........It doesn't really matter now.

 He always seem to make me laugh, even when he was in a bad movie. I only met him once on the set of "Father's Day". He was playing the fake slot machines between takes, while Billy Crystal hid in his trailer. I had a cup full of fake coins and was told to stand next to the same slot machine. I stood and watched him laugh while he pulled the arm of the slot machine. While I was watching with in arm length away we made eye contact. I said Hi
He said, "Hi" .....and from there a magical conversation that made me smile for that 30 minutes was one of the best experience I have had on a movie set. He didn't care what I asked him, he just wanted to know more about me. In the end -He said- It was a pleasure to you may I sign your socks? I only had a napkin, but he signed and I placed it in a book.

Some of my favorite movies from Robins Williams are
6. What Dreams May Come
5. Insomnia
4. Popeye
3. One Hour Photo
2. The Fisher King
1. Toys ( I have always gotten grief for this one)

Toys is visual stunning for its time, unique, weird, strange, sad, odd, and I love it!

-Thank you for sharing -
Death scares the hell out of me, because I know I haven't seen or witnessed enough of it. I retired from stand up after 3 shows, not because I sucked at it (I did), but I could see this dark tunnel sucking me in.

Some sign of depressions I witness with others
- They are always wishing what they did in the past.
- Drinking Alone....(all the time)
- Isolation, becoming a mole
- Thinking it's to late in life for anything good happen
- Rapidly becoming to comfort in an unhealthy environment


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