Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Beautiful Things at the Bottom of the Sea - Lost and Not Found

Drifting through the sea, such as life, theres only one way to go. You will eventually drown. Lost and alone predators will circle you until you are to weak. As strong as you are the waves are stronger. While your lips dry and form cracks from the salt water, the throbbing pain will always hurt more inside than your lips. You set a course to find a path to travel, but the current pulls you further and further away. No sign of what to do or where to go. There is a passing ship, it pays no attention to your distress. You used up to much energy and time flagging for help. Even after it passes you won't catch up to it. As the tears roll down they fill the sea with your saddness. You are lost, no one knows where you're at in your thoughts and no one cares. Remember no one really cares. Dreams are fickle memories, they never come true, they are there to haunt. Dreams are fickle memories they never come true, they are there to haunt you, torture you, as you float in the sea. A dream is a hot and sultry day with a continuous ravishing night. A windy as you float helplessly in the sea. There is no escape, sink and join the rest of the cast on the bottom of the beautiful sea.

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