Monday, January 25, 2021

The Beautiful Things at the Bottom of the Sea - You Don’t Belong Here

Welcome, rest, relax, kick back there is no one here or there to save you. You are free from anyone ever caring for you, loving you, wanting you, being with you, you are on your own. You know this feeling all to well, it is like getting run over and used. But welcome to paradise. Here you are invited to craft that noose out of bamboo leaves and build that boat that someone promised to do together(a metaphor). You hold it together so well and yet no one knows. No one knows the pain you've gone through throughout your entire life, whenever there's a glimmer of hope it's always shut down immediately no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you want it, there is nothing you can do. Your heart wasn't meant to become a punching bag. Yet it hangs on by a thread.
There are these tools moving forward. Being isolated teaches you to not make the same mistakes. It won't drag others down with you. When you sink in the boat, you sink alone. No longer do others care, its as if you were telling someone your dream. Nobody cares, and this is Careless island. Where being ghosted by the people you care about deeply hurts no matter how much time has passed. The one-sided passion song is always off by one note.

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